KCT Innovation

Galyleo Free

Lets try galyleo
Email address(*Mandatory)

* A Google account is required to use this service.
* By applying, it is considered that you have agreed to the "Free Trial Terms of Use".

(Procedure for use)
① After entering your email address, press the [Send] button.
② After a few minutes, you will receive an email notifying you that you will start using the service.
③ Click the URL link in the email. Click [Sign with Google] to start using Galileo.
Sign in with Google
(Note) If your email address is not a Google account, you can get an account on the Google site.

(Procedure to use original domain mail)
1. Please refer to the procedure for using an existing email address on the account creation page of the Google site.
2. After obtaining a Google account, you can use Galileo by clicking [Sign with Google] on the Galileo site.
Sign in with Google